
Sustainable Development for GATPL means leveraging technology and innovation to increase efficiency and productivity with less impact on the environment and helping our customers do the same – enabling their businesses to become more productive by providing products, services and solutions that use resources more efficiently. Of course, it starts with our own operations, with our customers in mind.

At GATPL, we have an important role to play in creating a future where we can meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. For us, this means being socially and environmentally considerate, being aware of the decisions we make and investing in the future.

We are committed to exploring innovative ways of doing business that will support a sustainable future. Our current focus is on putting in place industry leading systems and reporting mechanisms to enable efficient measurement of our social and environmental performance and to provide increased transparency into our practices.

Our key sustainability business objective for current year is to measure, track and improve the social and environmental performance of how we design, develop, manufacture and deliver our products to market.

Sustainability, or sustainable development, is aimed at improving the quality of life for everyone, now and for generations to come. It encompasses environmental, economic and social dimensions, as well as the concept of stewardship, the responsible management of resource use.

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